Thursday, July 25, 2024

Light & Magic


I can't form coherent sentences right now, I'm too flabbergasted. Okay I mean clearly this documentary did something right in showcasing the albeit compressed history of ILM to get me in this frayed mindset, but what do you want me to say?? Cause I just sat for 6 hours watching the most impossible shit I have ever seen in my entire life. Break this down with me, we have a production company that was entirely funded independently, made up of a hodge podge of different special effects crew who are for all intents and purposes unknowns, set up in a warehouse in California, doing effects shots for a movie that from the words of the maker himself said that no studio could possibly ever do, and they gotta make Star Wars happen. This became the studio that I am 10,000% certain hasn't stopped working on a single project post 1976 and continues today as THE special effects company. This is fucking impossible. I am going to repeat that again louder for the back. This is fucking IMPOSSIBLE! How??? You'd think I would know that answer after watching a documentary with so much legit archive footage that I'm convinced there is a God because it shouldn't even exist, but I'm still just as bewildered and yet in awe of all the accomplishments Industrial Light & Magic has done. You just hear these stories from the mouths of the workers themselves of basically having to burn the book of special effects production and just write a new one from scratch, creating new techniques, having to build original equipment to implement said techniques, and then having to evolve both as they essentially changed the world of filmmaking as we know it. My mind just can't take that. Now obviously I knew some details because ohh I'm a nerd and I love watching documentaries on Star Wars, and was familiar with some of the crew on it like Dennis Muren, Phil Tippet, and Ken Ralston, but it was a drop of knowledge in comparison to this. And they do such a good job explaining it, I mean they don't go in immeasurable detail this is a mini-series not a class, and thank God they decided to make this documentary while all the big players in the founding of ILM are still kicking, they make it no secret they didn't have a damn clue how to make this all happen but they were persistent and imaginative enough to swerve around any problem. It's not super in depth, it focuses a good ⅓ on making Star Wars then treads water on some of the 80s projects like E.T. and Willow and wraps up around Phantom Menace, before they jump 20 years ahead to show what it's like now with Mando. What I really appreciated seeing with this is when they hit Jurassic Park and that shift occurs from practical effects to CG, it doesn't shy away from how that affected people. The complaint is a dime a dozen nowadays that CG is too prevalent, it's too shiny, where did practical effects go, and that frustration was felt with the actual model makers, prop makers, and stop motion animators even back then. I'm a firm believer in you need to have both to make it work, and to see all the advancements that computer technology has gained even in such a short time span as the early 1980s to the late 1990s is mindblowing to see. I think a lot of people have a preconception that oh you just hit three keys on a computer and wha-bam you got a CG environment or creature effect but it's harder than it looks nowadays, try imagining doing it when the playbook was only half written and was subject to change. You see the effort, and it's a lifechanging experience to watch this honestly if you have any affinity for special effects of any variety. I'd have a meltdown of Vesuvius proportions trying to figure out how to make Star Wars, and it is unnaturally easy to take special effects for granted but not for me anymore. It's gonna be different and humbling to have my 3,752nd rewatch of Star Wars I can tell you that much. I'm rambling I know, but there will never be enough words in either existence or quantity that can voice just how ludicrous this is. History is wild to say the least but this should have been inconcievable! I had to pause on the first episode, my hand covering my mouth, as I just leaned back in my recliner absolutely exasperated, trying to figure out how they thought of such an idea to get just one shot. Couldn't do it. Not that smart nor inventive. Completely wowed by this mini-series, I'd be a damn fool for giving it anything less than a 10/10. Frankly it deserves like a 12/10! A seven day free trial of Disney+ is worth it exclusively for this as far as I'm concerned. You have to see it, that's just it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Well that passed by in the blink of an eye.

I was persuing my several watchlists for material this week and decided what the heck, let's keep doing some series. I am always down for Big Hero 6 and even more so Baymax so I couldn't resist watching this but blimey is it short. 6 episodes with each clocking in around 7 minutes, it's good old fashioned Looney Tunes type of shorts and why would you wanna watch some trite reality TV when you can watch this whole show in about 45 minutes? It's a simple story with Baymax doing his programming and aiding several residents of San Fransokyo whether helping an angel sent from above who we call Aunt Cass with a sprained ankle, standing side by side with a lady who has a fear of water named Kiko, reassuring and aiding a young girl who just had her first period named Sofia, and helping a food truck owner with a severe allergy to the food he makes named Mbita. All the pieces fit together in the finale in the most heartwarming fashion possible, and it is just a sweet bit of fluff but a super well made one at that. The animation quality I dare say is even better than Big Hero 6, the architecture and colors are really dang nice, voice acting is still solid, and it is just so frick fraking funny! I had several sustained bouts of laughter throughout this short series, it's such an endearing show that has that Rilakkuma And Kaoru vibe about it. Again I hardcore relate to Baymax here, I am a round giant that tries to look after people any way I can and good lord I think the showrunners were calling me out when it came to Baymax following a cat! I'm not sure what the future holds for this series and these characters but I feel it's been a sleeper hit for Disney so it'll never truly be gone. I did expect a longer runtime admittedly but what I got was short and sweet, just how I like my wom-I'm sorry I can't do this guys. Goodnight everybody! 4 stars, 9/10! And we got a little documentary coming up later this week about a special effects company who you might have heard of. Until then, be safe and stay well.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Acolyte: Season 1

Ho mah gawd!!

Fwack that was a ride! Okay, well, let's do this shall we. The Acolyte easily was the most look forward to series that Lucasfilm had in the pipeline, and while it wasn't the 100% dark side story perspective I wanted I still got a really damn good show. Set in the still charting era of the High Republic 100 years before The Phantom Menace, a rogue assassin is targeting Jedi knights and we slowly unravel all the pieces to this mystery over the course of 8 episodes approximately 45 minutes a piece. It's not exactly a traditional murder mystery of a whodunit, if anything the mystery is more of a puzzle coming together as we learn the assassin is a twin of a failed padawan learner named Osha and one of the targets is her master Sol, so it's all connected in some way or another as we progress through the story. We get breadcrumbs, revelations, a few surprising twists I must say, and yes I am fully calling it now this is a season finale and not a series finale because of how it ends and man was I on the edge of my seat waiting for the final shot to occur during that. No spoilers in this corner of the galaxy but even I was a bit amazed they went so far. And I'll level with you straight up this is the first Star Wars series that I was really throwing myself into the social media pool of it all, seeing artwork, people giving theories, proclaiming their loyalty to the Yord Horde, all that grand stuff week after week as we all sat huddled in anticipation for the next episode. And as with all things light there must be a dark, I won't get bogged down with it but all I can say is, you dumb ****s need better representation in this court because your arguments are the epitome of moot. Now of course I'm an easy sell, I'm hardcore Sar Wars all day every day, been making minute progress in the High Republic novels, but anyone can watch it and enjoy it without catching the easter eggs and what might seem innocuous details which are actually pretty big news for us nerds. The premise is really good and the episodes gain a lot when you watch it a second time around, the characters have already gotten absurd amounts of love and it wouldn't surprise me at all if they're already making con appearences and will be popular around October, productions and visuals easy 10/10, the choreography at times is absurdly well done and I humbly feel it did outdo duel of the fates, and all the new stuff we either get to see realized in live action or are introduced to here is cool as hell. Let's talk characters! Amandla Stenberg, never have I ever in Star Wars history crushed this hard or this quick, you are a treasure and my God do you get to show true range by playing twins Osha and Mae. Wow girl you were good and the fact you're a fan like us makes it so much sweeter. Lee Jung-jae masterful at playing Sol, easily top 3 Jedi for me ever, I've never seen a more emotional Jedi and I am firmly in the Sol Patrol myself, I could spend the rest of this damn review worshipping the ground he walks on and I am dead serious. 20/10! Manny Jacinto wild card you are my guy but what a treat to see him first in this role as Qimir, and some of you filthy people need therapy just saying, and very much like Lee I'm gonna hunt down some of his other work for sure. Charlie Barnett and Dafne Keen, welcome additions to the Jedi Order and boy did they impact this fandom something fierce while also having standout moments of their own! Shoutout to Jodie Turner-Smith, I love me some space witches in my Star Wars and that's some mom goals for me plus that design was impeccable! The series kinda knocked it outta the park with this casting. Also I want a PIP, I really really want a PIP droid to carry around with me everywhere. Galaxy's Edge hook me up! I'm still reeling a bit from the ending so I'm trying to focus but my mind is so scatterbrained I feel a lightning round is in order to just center myself. Breathe. Bazil is best boy, Cortosis making a comeback is awesome, Selkath spotted this is not a drill, episode 5 is jaw dropping and the best of the series, really want that cortosis helmet as well, light whip needed more time but friggin' sick it made the leap to live action after so long, witches who use the power of song in their magicks don't mind if I do keep it coming, also wanted more Wookiee Jedi in my life but hey I'll take it, lightsaber crystal bleeding hoo hoo mama you know what I like, stellar creature designs and animatronics, gorgeous scenery, and I literally did a spit take when (*CENSORED*) turned up. Is there anything I do not like? One thing, but I can get over it. We get a character who turns babyface at a point and it felt just a bit too quick for my liking, if they planted the seed and as the episodes progressed we watch it grow and bloom I wouldn't mind so much but again I at least understand the character motivation behind it so it's a whatever point. Apparently people got uppity about Carrie-Anne Moss not being prevalent but I haven't seen...any of her filmogrpahy now that I think about it so I was absent on that party. All I have left to say is Leslye thanks for taking up this project, you know how to gut punch like a champ, and made me question aspects of storytelling I never questioned before in Star Wars you're brutal and I love you for it. Satisfactory and entertaining I think, ballsy at times for sure, and I'll give it 3.5 stars, 8/10! Try review bombing that dipshits. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Doctor Who: Series 14

It's series 14, don't even try me.

RUSSELL! I shout like a parent admonishing their child, a phrase frequent this series of Doctor Who as we finally get our first full series with Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson. Now obviously from the Christmas special I was all on board, full steam ahead, let's frickin' do this, and I'm happy to announce it was a really good series! Not perfect, had some oddball stories at times, but came through in the end. I won't delve too much into the production so we can focus on story but needless to say the quality is high, inventive, and not just an overexpanded CG budget. It is unequivocally still Doctor Who even if it's pretty flashy. So huh, boy do we start the series proper in an interesting way with maybe the most ludicrous title in the show's history, Space Babies! There is without question or doubt in my mind the production team just wrapped up filming, and they're all sitting round table style figuring out what the best order to release the episodes in, obviously some have to come in a specific order but they're talking debut episode options and then most likely Russell slams his hand down on the table with a eureka(!) moment. We're airing Space Babies first. Because! This is the litmus test of the series, if you can roll with it and enjoy it then you are really going to like series 14, if not you can at least bail out now! And I will be so bold to say the story of the Doctor and Ruby babysitting talking infants a lá Baby Geniuses on a space station isn't even the one skippable episode for me, as is almost tradition with modern Doctor Who. It's fine, fun and fancy free, the interactions with Ruby and the Doctor are endearing and charming as all get out and will remain a stamp throughout the series. Like the mystery aspect, love the flat out dick moves by the Doctor here I mean geez louise he gets a bit dark here, and poor Millie had KY jelly just pour on her head and the girl deserves some props for that. The Devil's Chord is a romping good time with the Earth's music literally being consumed by a very Ursula style drag queen god known only as Maestro who is offspring from The Celestial Toymaker, as our fantastic Tardis team tries to restore musical balance starting with the fab four themselves The Beatles. Outrageous story, if you thought the goblin song was a one hit wonder clutch those pearls purists because we got more musical numbers here and beyond, great villain performance, more fourth wall breaks than you can shake a stick at, a gay old time to be had! Boom is a super interesting concept of what if the Doctor had to save the day but was stuck on a landmine the whole episode? Didn't fully deliver on the suspense and growing anxiety, nor did it really expand much it's a small scale story that could honestly be adapted to stage with ease, but (most) of the performances help it along. It's an average episode on a bit of shaky ground but it's passable. 73 Yards however has my vote for the one episode I will always skip, cause at first I'm rolling with it with this almost It Follows-esque plot of this strange figure that stalks Ruby with the Doctor nowhere to be found and it seems to start stepping into full blown horror territory, but then the episode shifts gears entirely and I'll admit I don't like the episode because of all the shit poor Ruby has to go through and for how long she goes through it, and the ending made even less sense in retrospect. Easily the blunder of the series. Dot And Bubble, was slightly vexing but intentionally so I mean I get it Russell you have commentary skills, not subtle ones but you got them, and again taking a Doctor lite episode with mainly Callie Cooke as our resident ditz/sociopath Lindy as the veil of terminally online social media is lifted only to find genuine real monsters in real life as the Doctor tries to lead everyone to safety. I rather despise social media more and more as I get older so this was slightly grating to watch these inane fools stumble about trying not to get eaten by slugs, it did have moments though that I liked but blimey near the end I was praying for a slow death to this colony. I know that's the intent, so bravo there team! Rogue...fucking. Goddamn. Masterpiece! The GOAT of the whole damn series in my opinion! Never have I laughed so hard and loved so much an episode of Doctor Who since well the recent Christmas special, a true period piece with a little alien lime twist as the Doctor and Ruby party it up like it's 1813 as shapeshifting aliens invade the grounds. Brilliant. Just the atmosphere of fun and humor made this an all time great for me, the character of Rogue and that shall we say intense relationship with the Doctor made my heart soar and maybe quiver a bit, and the bittersweet ending sealed the deal for me. And now the two part finale, really good buildup in the first part as we delve into figuring out the origin of Ruby Sunday as side story connecting tissue pushes the threat to the forefront and a true classic villain returns which admittedly made me want to watch the fantastic serial afterward, second part is still good but as any two parter in Doctor Who history loses some traction however there is a diabolically fiendish angle that the episode puts forth that really makes you look at the last 60 years of time and space differently. The resolution may not be foolproof but the ending and the fate of Ruby Sunday is again if I dare say, the best companion ending we've ever gotten both in classic and new eras. It's got that emotion down pat and of course, RUSSELL! Had to do a cliffhanger didn't you? Urrgh you're lucky I adore you! Speaking of adore, Ncuti my sweet handsome boy you never stopped bringing your all to this role and I haven't been so on board so quick with other Dr. Who's literally ever. The excitement, the plentiful amount of tears, even that rage and fury shine stunningly bright this series. I was rather upset to hear Millie was only on for the one series, cause the whole dynamic and chemistry between Ruby and the Doctor is nothing short of a treat! It took me awhile to find the right word to describe it but they have big sibling energy mixed with major time BFF energy, unparalledled love but not in a romantic sense it's more than that, the giddy joy of just travelling together, the comfort they give one another when the heartbreak hits, it's marvellous. She's marvellous and damn it she better not be gone forever! Can't get enough Bonnie Langford and Jemma Redgrave, those are my girls through and through and even if they're just present at the finale I don't care because I get to see them and that makes me happy. Shoutout to that dashing bastard Jonathan Groff for playing Rogue, yeah I'm all in favor for that man and he is another member for the hallowed halls of dream would be companion, and I do indeed hope as well that this is not the final goodbye for his character. Jinkx Monsoon holy moly, time of their life playing this bonkers villain Maestro and frankly I'm having a blast watching em' cause it's pretty far out there but nothing short of entertaining! Damn good variety of villains and though I need to rewatch the whole series again to see if the overarching villain from the finale story works and makes sense but I liked it fine this time. It's a very good solid continuation, has some small faults like every Doctor Who series, but enjoyable and fun overall. So thumbs up from me, 3.5 stars, 8/10!

And finally. Long have I waited for my most anticipated Star Wars series yet. Acolyte time baby!

Friday, July 12, 2024


Well that was fuggin' weeeeird!

About as weird as the trailer which caught my interest quick before it went off the rails and it gave me the heebie jeebies so why not go see it? I'm a bit bewildered, not too sure what to make of it, but I'm happy I saw it. Cause the movie starts like your typical psychological crime drama, flat out compared to Silence Of The Lambs in the trailer, but as we get nearer the end it just gets out there man and there are plenty a twist and turn few would catch so you never can guess how it ends. It is a sublimely shot film I'll say that for sure, switching from 8mm film to more standard modern cinematography, it has an uncanny ability to get under your skin though the movie isn't abrupt or in your face with it's horror. Sure there are instances of music stinger fueled jumpscares but a good majority of the film is silent with no score and just natural soundscape but when it hits, creepy as shit and you will feel that anxiety along with your pulse rise so sound design is excellent as well. The characters are a limited cast of only really 4 parts and it's hard to get a handle on them. Lee is our protagonist, a young FBI agent who is on the case of a satanic Zodiac style serial killer that has submerged ties with her past. Maika Monroe is really good in this and some may say her acting is subdued but I would call it more intensely subtle, she can show the emotion and fear when necessary, and it took me forever to figure out why I know that face. I'm an idiot! It's Jay from It Follows. Wild. I know a good bit of hubbub was made about Nic Cage being in a horror movie and his appearance is hush-hush but you'd be surprised how early you see him, and he's not only unrecognizable but he brings the crazy. That special kind of crazy where you laugh but you're still freaked the hell out. It's great! Batshit plot surrounding him to where even I'm questioning if it just goes straight out of the bounds of reality. It seems like it and there's supernatural stuff at play but it isn't focused on intentionally. It's supposed to be a WTF element which makes it scarier. The unknown is terrifying. I'm here for it! It's a wild ride and unnerving for sure, I dare almost say the real horror is subconscious if I was more of a snob than I already am. It's worth seeing regardless of at theater or at home, and I can recommend it. I give it 3 stars, 8/10! Now for the fun goodies next week.

Friday, July 5, 2024


Not fully what I expected but I'll take it!

It certainly paid off watching all the movies chronologically because this movie wears it's references on it's sleeve and I feel caps off the trilogy just fine. Set in 1985 we catch up with Maxine in Hollywood California as she is starting to make the jump to feature films but a blackmail plot centering on her bloodsoaked past is about to blow the lid, and on those occasions's time to make plans. Ever so slight misdirect in the trailers though, it kinda shoves the Night Stalker angle down your throat but it doesn't bear much semblance on the plot, more as a background incident that helps set the stage which the movie was awesome at, it gets you in the mindset and gives a brief overview of what was going down in that corner of history. The soundtrack, the fashion, the world events, and all those small details that an old ass nerd like me can pick up. At almost 2 hours without credits the film moves at a brisk pace showing the transition of Maxine from porno star to movie star, and the mental state she is in. I mean obviously if you survive the events of X you're gonna have some PTSD in some way, so I appreciate how much the filmmakers tied everything in a pretty little bow for us fans. I'm not certain if the film crew shot on proper 1980s film stock or cameras but it had that particular look about it while keeping the modern techniques as with Pearl. I do ever so slightly sense this movie may not grab everyone how the last two movies did, but really the quality has barely shrunk. Mia is still a great lead and getting to see her achieve movie stardom gives her enough material to work with, plus she's just a fucking mental badass at points like my God! Girl has got issues but those moments were my cup of tea. It really is her film but the supporting cast of characters do fine work, from her agent played by Giancarlo (still the man), to her video store metal friend played by Moses Sumney who had my vote for best character, to just the messenger private eye of the blackmailer played by Kevin Bacon, some shine brighter than others but all did very well. It doesn't truly fit that horror vibe as the others which may contribute further to it being the black sheep of the series, it fits more a mystery drama but it got no problem showing some visceral detailed gore. I'll admit straight up to you this is the weakest entry in the trilogy, but it's still getting a good ass score! If you're a fan you'll no doubt enjoy it a great deal and if not you can walk away entertained regardless. I give it 3.5 stars, 8.5/10! A very good week, and next week will be limited to one review but I got some shows coming up for you so I'll need the time. By all means give it a watch and let me know which is your favorite, if I had to pick I'd probably go with X myself. So be safe, stay fit, stay sharp, make good decisions and I'll see you in a week!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

In Retrospect: X

Still pretty friggin' good!

I feel so justified doing a little marathon this week and watching these movies again! X dude, X. That shit is mm, just right. It's certainly more eye opening and even more appreciated if you watch it after Pearl. So I guess the paralyzingly fierce breakdown smile made Howard stick around for about 60 odd years, and it is so damn interesting to see that shift with these characters go from mostly innocent young lovers torn apart by the Great War to flat out serial killer married couple, it is just wow! Despite the heavy prosthetics used for Pearl and Howard you get a lot of emotion and readable facial acting, and I still fucking stand and applaud the movie Citizen Kane style for just taking the time and humanizing them. It would have been easier done than said to just make them a creepy old murdering odd couple, but we get just a smidge of insight into their lives and relationship and it makes the film a cut above the rest in my opinion. It's shot with love and affection in that 70s style but never loses it's modern cinematography footing, there's some good shots and great use of color from time to time. I am rather curious what the overall visual flair will be for Maxxxine, cause Pearl was Wizard Of Oz as all get out, X had more than a healthy dose of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I have no clue what the overarching homage will be but I'm excited. Hands down best scene of the movie still to this day for me is that brutal first murder, it is gruesomely practical but just the music and the lighting and the dance....whoa man. Not only did it send shivers down my spine in the bestest way possible, but there were tears welling up in my eyes and I cannot explain for the life of me why they did, I had no clue murder could be so beautiful. That's a weird sentence to say but I felt how I felt. It is goddamn art in my opinion from the neck stab to the van engine being shut off. There was a vision to this in all aspects, not to outshine or to reinvent the wheel, but to do it to the best of their ability. You wanna know what the one single friggin' thing I did NOT like about this movie was? I hated the posters and promotional images. Like really? That's all you had for the majority was a still frame of Jenna Ortega mid scream?? It sucks and I never liked it and I saw it way too often. You know an image that might catch my attention? That freaky ass silhouette of Pearl carrying a pitchfork like some wraith-like witch, that is awesome! And I'll level with you right here right now, I forgot what the ending was. I didn't know who was gonna live or die, so I was along for the ride one last time. I know, it's a little obvious but I had a lapse in mental faculties which let's be honest ain't nothing new here! Good times be had, I am never not in the mood to listen to some 70s baby making music, let's flipping do this Friday!

Monday, July 1, 2024

In Retrospect: Pearl

You absolute madman Ti!

Sweet friggin' lord this has lost none of it's potency in 2 years time, and I haven't seen it since it hit theaters mainly because I knew this day would come when the end would be near for this trilogy though I'll admit it hasn't left my memory that's for damn certain. But on the rewatch and knowing everything that occurs, I did get more out of it. I strongly believe a theater going or really just any first time watch experience is a reactionary experience, and the more you see a film the more you can read into it. The story of Pearl and how it comes to pass by the time end credits roll is simultaneously relatable and also just disturbing, because of how her character is potrayed you want the best for her in life even when you know it's just not. I'm not gonna get all psychoanalyzing on this or anything, but I get it I even sort of get why she pitchforks people, and the performance given is still the high bar if I've ever seen one. Mia my God, the raw emotion we get out of her here is truly striking and I can't wait to see what she brings to the table in Maxxxine! I did get a hell of a lot more out of her parents in this movie, not that they were bad the first time around but getting a chance to dig into just the state of mind showed so much more. The mom is a lot to handle and it does tip toe into slight Carrie territory at times, but the perspective of her and her life with a humanizing moment does make you feel at least a bit sad that she gets torched and kicked down some stairs. Likewise for the dad who big time props need to go to that actor, man didn't have a line and had to just body language that part and was so good at it, you can see the heartbreak and fear in his eyes when things go south and it packs a punch. I also just appreciate the fact it's a horror movie that doesn't really turn into a horror movie until about the halfway point, it's a slow escalation of events but that doesn't mean the suspense isn't present beforehand. You're almost constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and she takes an axe to someone's face, it's very nicely done on the pacing side of things. Will fully admit though I thought the whole umm...scarecrow scene was later on, naw that weird ass shit was not even at the 20 minute mark. Granted you have my respect and bewildering admiration for not only going that far but finding an actress game enough to do it, so fair play to you ya buncha' weirdos. I've seen stranger, but not much! I am ridiculously curious what people think of this movie if it's the first one they see, most of us had the benefit of seeing X first so I can't imagine what people's impression is just going into this blind. Do they love it or hate it? Might need to research that. Ending shot still fucking floors me, not since Malcolm Mcdowell staring straight through my soul at the end of Caligula have I seen a final shot quite like that, and yeah that was an experience in the theater I can tell you that right now! It is an offbeat film but one I still very much enjoy and am happy to have watched again, the score remains the same with a 9/10, and now we travel onwards to X which again I haven't seen since opening day so this is a whole ass trip so stick around and I'll see you Wednesday!

Friday, June 28, 2024

A Quiet Place Day One

Okay what the fuck, it was actually good??

In fact if I'm being completely honest with you, it's...kinda amazing. I'm almost stunned shitless writing that but it's true! Like every single aspect just about is exponentially improved over the last two films, now the only thing I truthfully want from this series is I wanna know where and how the aliens got here to Earth. Probably the only person who wants that but I'm curious damn it! But the story here and more importantly how that story is told, if you cut out the monsters this could be a hardcore heartfelt drama! I'm so not even kidding, this film sucker punched me right in the feels and I was so on board before even the first 5 minutes. We follow Sam a young woman who unfortunately is in Hospice care when the event occurs as she makes the decision to trek to Harlem for pizza, finally a goal and direction(!), and she eventually meets a young man named Eric who I think is pretty firmly on the spectrum as they sneak and avoid the creatures in the city that never sleeps. It may seem quite humorous that the endgame is New York pizza and it is a little funny but shit, that is something I can 1000% get behind and the character moments we get from point A to B almost at times make you forget you are watching A Quiet Place. I'm so not even kidding, this is an emotionally investing film and I tell you now without witness and without reward that this damn movie made me cry. The tears welled up in my eyes and a few rolled down my cheeks, I won't spoil it but it was ridiculously sweet and endearing. I can't remember the last time I saw horror movie characters I cared about so strongly, just the performances from Lupita (I love that girl to bits!) and Joseph (whoa dude you were good!) my God they were acting their hearts out here. Marvellous news everyone! The cat is fine, in fact this was one of the most intuitive cats I've ever seen in storytelling and knowing cats can't be trained at flippin' all, congrats to the film crew for making it happen! Shock of all shocks though, no stupid nonsense to behold in this movie it's pretty rock solid from start to finish. Either that or I was so emotionally invested and entertained that I didn't notice. Perhaps I've jumped dimensions once more because this is unbelievable. It was so damn good, no scratch that it was great! I'm still reeling from that fact but whoever it was that answered my prayer for a good movie, just know I said thanks and I'll buy you lunch! Pizza on me. No horseshit Jack. See it, just go see it. Maybe bring some earplugs though cause the theater I went to see it at every loud noise was like a fucking landmine going off, shockwave included, and the movie indulges in some jumpscare tactics so brace for impact if you go over the weekend! So yeah all time high for the week, two big thumbs up from me, 4 stars, 9/10! And we get to revisit and experience the end of one of the strangest yet grand horror trilogies next week.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Quiet Place Part 2

It probably didn't help I was in an angry mood before sitting down to watch this.

But at the exact same time, I have walked into many a film on a wide range of emotions and the movie (depending on the subject matter) can make me glad or sad. I'm still not 100% behind this film series yet it kinda gave me what I wanted in the first movie. So we pick up literally after the end of the first film with our family unit leaving the farm and making tracks to...somewhere. They don't really have a goal or destination until maybe halfway through, and eventually the group splits with the mom Evelyn hunkering down in an underground safe room while Regan treks out into the world to use her feedback weapon to even the playing field. I think my biggest issue with this series thus far besides the family who still makes brain aneurysm type STUPID decisions, is just the simple fact that there's no...there's no plot! There's no goal, there's no beginning/middle/end where you want to see where it goes. This works so much better as an idea than a film, these lanky ass aliens crash on earth and they hunt and kill through sound alone because they are blind. That's like a short story, not one let alone two feature films! Now maybe I just don't get these semi or full on apocalyptic, earth shattering, survival heavy stories, I just don't watch that shit. I don't have a problem with them, but they are far down the list on the types of films and shows I watch. It's really just down to the lack of story and characters why I'm not too keen on this. Direction and cinematography, is good and looks great at instances! Acting wise, pretty friggin' solid and these people are acting their asses off. Effects, pretty much on par with the first film but those were still good effects. Sound design is damn near flawless, how it swaps from chaotic sound to whoomp unearthly silence is spot on. The new bits we get in terms of the aliens and the worldbuilding are fine additions. But my dear sweet baby Moses there is the epitome of contrived shit in this script, I can scarcely believe it. There is no, zero, nada, zilch, objectifiable reason why these things happen! You know why? Because the fucking script said so. Also on that same topic I almost feel they fiddled with how the whole sound thing works, maybe I'm wrong but I swear in the first movie just any modicum of sound, didn't have to even be loud was game over, but here it kinda ping pongs back and forth where it has to be loud loud like a scream or something breaking to attract the creatures and then like a door hinge squeaks a bit than all hell is about to break loose. Now I know sound is unique to the proximity of you and the environment but I just feel they got away with so much more noise in this movie than previously established. This is an aggravating movie series but not in an overt way, it chips away bit by bit, just fucking picking at you to where you start questioning things that shouldn't be a part of the equation and your blood vessels contract in your head and pretty soon you need some acetaminophen. However! The movie gets points for doing what I wanted it to do, Regan out alone trying to survive. A deaf girl surrounded by sound hunting monsters. And even though she is accompanied by someone, Cillian Murphy has a very good yet albeit brief relationship with her, this kind of neurotic guy who doesn't know Sign is helping this girl make it to her next destination. I like that! I was having a good time with that storyline, it wasn't perfect but I'll damn well take it! Didn't like the ending though, same shit as the last movie, whoop-de-doo! We made like two steps of progress in a 1,000 mile marathon. God you have no idea how much I'm holding out for Day One, we're away from the idiots and we got a new cast, new location, it's interesting to see in depth how this cataclysm began, I will fucking torch the goddamn theater and raze this movie to absolute ashes if anything happens to the cat, please please let it be good! 2.5 stars, 6/10, slight improvement and I'll see you Friday.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

BONUS: Rite Here Rite Now

A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

I have no issue stating upfront this whole week would have sucked royally had this movie not come out and I went to go see it. do I explain Ghost? Well it's a swedish band that easily has the catchiest songs I've heard quite possibly in my life (aside from Black Sabbath) and almost all of them focus on Satan, but don't let that deter you if you are religious. The band doesn't take themselves seriously and have fun with it all tongue in cheek style, but they take the musical quality very seriously. It's also the only band I know of that has it's own lore, now I'm not talking pseudonyms like Quorthon or Starchild, or like easter eggs on the album cover, I mean they have a mythos that has been woven and expanded upon since 2010. Centering on the frontman and lead singer Papa Emeritus a Pope like figure with several iterations, and the bandmates themselves hidden in anonymity as Nameless Ghouls craft rocking and effortlessly ear worming songs. The movie focuses more on the music, with pepperings of plot (though it's still greatly substantial to us hardcore fans) taking place the last night of their tour in Los Angeles. This is perfect for me because I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to go to a ritual so this covers that! Plus the overall production taping the concert was excellent, I'll admit the editing was that highly kinetic fast but sharp style so it was hard to get a full wide shot of the stage and grasp the atmosphere, but I feel the filmmakers did just fine with the camera placement and direction, also props to the road crew who made it all happen on tour, and in my limited experience of watching recorded performances I can't complain. I truthfully did expect a good mix or even more emphasis on storyline but the bits we did get, showed off the humor that the band is well known for and even dare I say beautifully introspective. Easily the best part of the movie is Emeritus talking to his biological Papa (my favorite of them all just for the record) about very existential topics, who runs the show, what happens after you die, typical mysteries of life stuff but the response he gets back is nothing short of wise and it's a belief I've held for a long time and has only been reinforced since seeing this. It's very insightfully written and worded to where anyone can grasp it, to crudely summarize you can't worry about the past or fret over the future and what matter is right here right now. It's not in your face but that message pervades the whole film, to just live to the best of your ability. It certainly made my heart soar during those parts. And yeah I'll admit, a tear was shed during one of the songs so hey let's talk about them. The setlist for the concert was very very good, representing all 5 albums the group has released with a good portion of my favorites like Miasma, Respite On The Spitalfields, Call Me Little Sunshine, Kiss The Go-Goat, and If You Have Ghost which was the standout live performance for me hands down and got me emotional. But holy mackerel was it completely awesome to hear all those tracks with proper theater sound equipment. Feet were tapping, lyrics were lip synced, it was a good time even though the atmosphere of the screening room was more movie than concert but fun regardless. It was great to see so many people decked out in merch and having a real good time with the film. I mean it's about as niche as you can get when you break it down, but Ghost has a lot of fans worldwide and continues to grow today. Hell I've only been a fan since October of 2022 but it's top two bands for me! So I can't recommend it for everyone, I don't think I can even recommend it to a new fan just starting out to avoid confusion on the plot parts, I just wanted an excuse to gush about some great music and give another review to make up for last week. I know some fans would question the existence of a recorded concert packaged as a movie but considering I had to wait about 4 to 5 years to own The Phantom Of The Opera musical on DVD, that point is moot. I give it 4 stars, 9/10!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Inside Out 2

Well, it was at least pretty to look at.

Inside Out 2 isn't a bad film, it just wasn't entirely for me. Now in terms of expanded lore and mind mechanics the additions we got were good! The whole thread idea is rather ingenious, and the new emotions we get are logical additions when Riley hits puberty. I will admit the story is a bit ehhh, and the message is very after school special but hey other people can probably get more out of it than me. So the story goes that Riley is doing well in life and continues to be a happy girl until the night when the teenage hormones activate, then everything is thrown into chaos for our normal emotions when and I kid you not a hostile takeover occurs when the new emotions appear. They are being Embarassment, Envy, Ennui, and of course Anxiety. Leading Joy and the others to trek back to headquarters once more to keep Riley on track. Now the animation has improved a good bit and has some intriguing new setpieces to utilize, so no points deducted there. Voice cast is still very on point with Lewis Black being the standout for me comedically, and I'll give a shoutout to both the filmmakers and Kensington Tallman for giving Riley a rather unflattering teen voice showcasing that hard hit your vocals take when puberty is running rampant. I really don't want to bash the movie, cause it just doesn't deserve it but man I know they needed something to create conflict for there to even be a movie but this ain't it chief. Having Anxiety almost immediately literally eject our original emotions just feels off, now I understand for the purpose of the message and the insight of the movie it had to be done but neither are the new emotions treated like villains so it seemed too much. And like I said the overall message is almost the epitome of after school special, I'm almost surprised they didn't do an anti-drug angle. Typical stuff like be a good person, don't abandon your values for popularity, keep your friends close, etc. etc. and I know that is something some teens go through. It's not a horrible message that will do harm to anyone but it ain't really anything new. Plus the movie wiggles it's toes in the drama pool and I hate drama, and what I mean by that is emotional drama the one reason I never watch any live action television series involving teenagers or young adults. Don't have the patience for it. I get it, it has it's place in this movie, but to me it's weak. Best part of the whole damn movie which shows considerable depth is a really poignant and heartbreakingly true line, about how the older you get the less reason you have to be joyful. That nearly speared me straight through the heart, cause so much happens in a life and eventually you reach a point where you lose people, you keep having to change your lifestyle, you lose something important to you and it gets harder. But it never gets impossible. And if that's the only thing I'm taking away from this, that ain't no bad thing.  It's really just those two (albeit central) aspects that are detrimental but it isn't losing a great deal of points, and I feel people can still see it and enjoy it just fine. Can it wait till video? In my opinion yes. But all in all I give it 3 stars, 7/10!

In Retrospect: Inside Out

Alright, I'm back. Let's start this shit up.

Okay I am gonna try really hard not to be a jaded old bastard, but maaaan I haven't been to so many dark places in such a short amount of time. It's crazy to think it took almost 10 years for a sequel to Inside Out, however at the same time it makes a bit of sense cause look at it from the perspective of the kids who were anywhere between the ages of 5 to 10 who saw it the first time, they're in that hardcore teenage range or young adult age who can look back and chuckle at it all. Obviously I'm a bit beyond the time gap and indeed Inside Out made some existential and emotional crises pop up while watching but it's still enjoyable, it's beautifully animated, and it is funny at times but obviously people love this movie more on just the idea. How does your mind work? And how the film goes about explaining topics like how core memories are formed to how feelings on past events can change over time to even stupid little earworms popping up randomly is potrayed not only intelligently but charmingly. I mean I still have some serious shit to throw at Joy mainly just her bashing poor Sadness almost non-stop but it's a character arc, she betters before end credits but jeez. I mean I get it, I truly do. Oh how it is to be young and naive and not knowing how the world works! I still say the funniest part for me anyway is the red alert girl approaching joke, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that. Plus you know I'm older now, still just as jaded and broken as always, yet time is if nothing but a great pool of reflection and I'm not quite the same as I was when first writing that review back in 2016, so rewatching it I actually got more out of it I think. It's emotional, I think it almost follows that Soul standpoint where it's more made for older grown up folk than kids which certainly is no bad thing. So I can easily urge people even if you haven't seen this movie in awhile to give it another go. 3 stars from me, 8/10! I have no real clue where the story goes from here so I'm fairly pumped to finally see part two of this story. I don't think they'll go very far with the ahem, hey hey aspects of teendom but to see how they characterize a much more tumultous period of everybody's lives will be fascinating and no doubt entertaining to watch. Which surprise! That review will be coming out later today, true double feature style! See you soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Slight Delay...

Well....shit! Un-friggin'-believable. I was supposed to be speaking to you today from the new home of my incredibly basic and tiny The Dude Studio at the new apartment, but fuckery is afoot and there was a severe literal day of occurence and I quote, let me repeat that again and I QUOTE " The ceiling collapsed.". So I am stuck for all intents and purposes in limbo, with next door to zero cash, entombed in a prison of boxes, spinning my wheels. Getting nowhere. I am so burned out from this oh so special occasion that can suck on cox, and I am profusely sorry to say this but I won't be able to see Inside Out 2 and get the review done this week. I pray to my dark patron from beyond the stars, and appeal to every righteous and hellish force above, below, and in between that next week we are going to be back and the apartment debacle is settled. I'll throw out an In Retrospect for Inside Out because it's been coincidentally almost 8 years to the day that I wrote that review, but as one trained in the Force I know that true coincidences are rare, and finally get to see the new Pixar film. If not, screw it I'll throw some reviews up and try to make the best of this that I can. This isn't my first shitstorm and I'm playing the long game and I will win. So join me next week, catch up on some other reviews from the past I've written, find something good to watch and do all that grand stuff. I'm going to hex a few people and go to bed.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Big Jake

Been a while since we did a western and I wanted to do something for my Papa's birthday today.

Cowboy movies and especially movies of John Wayne were a staple of his younger years and coincidently this is not only the first John Wayne film I've reviewed but it's also the first one I ever saw, and I was pretty young on top of that. So the story follows after a ranch is shot up and a young boy named Jake is taken as a hostage his grandpa Jacob saddles up with his two sons to deliver the ransom and get his grandson back, simple as dirt plot but an entertaining movie nevertheless. And this movie was made ostensibly during the last gasp of true western cinema which in and of itself had been in decline since the 60s, this movie came out in 1971 and John passed away before the end of the decade in 1979. The film takes place in 1909 and actually does a pretty damn splendid job setting up that time period, it has a fairly involved prologue just setting the scene and describing the events and people of the world to get you in the mindset, you see proper early 1900s automobiles, you see rifles with scopes and pistols with magazines, and it's not really there as commentary about how the old west is dying and the future is near but just as other elements of that day and age. John is same as ever in his films and there's something to be said about how recognizably iconic he still is 45 years after his death, and I feel this is a good introduction movie for his filmography because you see him have comedy moments but also the gunslinging horseriding moments as well, it worked out just fine for me and I've seen a good few of his other stuff because of this. Now I didn't know John's real life son Patrick Wayne played Jacob's son James in the movie, and he may be my favorite character of the bunch he has plenty of attitude to go around and always gives Jacob a lot of good grief right from the word go or more I should say daddy. That part never fails to tickle me pinker than I already am. Christopher Mitchum is the far more respectable straight laced son Michael but he has a penchant for the modern, riding a new fangled motorbike and has more contemporary morals about using guns. It's good to know Chris is still with us today. Richard Boone plays our bad guy here John Fain and right from the get go he has such a striking and memorable physicality to the role, a more rough and tanned face plus sporting a nice poncho doesn't hurt but I like how he plays it, he's not a psychopathic murderer or this cold blooded gunslinger he can be very affable with people and never seems to lose his cool but he's determined and ain't changing the plan even if it means the death of that boy. This was Maureen O'Hara's last acting role for a good long while and though she wanted a bigger part she was glad to work with John again due to them having such a strong friendship on past movies, which you truthfully just don't hear much about anymore. A good chunk of the secondary actors here were all part of previous Wayne films under his Batjac production company so you feel that tight knit relationship on screen between many of the actors. And strange as it is to say, no offense given to the filmmakers, but this movie doesn't look like it was shot in 1971. I mean there's barely any sets until nearer the end with a lot of location shooting out in the wilds of Mexico, but even from a cinematography point of view the film stock is something you'd see around the early 60s and the direction is pretty standard with little actual camera movement. Yet at the exact same time this film ain't afraid to put a good amount of blood or violence in! I mean barely past the 10 minute mark we get our inciting incident with this ranch getting raided, and they had the balls to shoot an under ten year old kid and (albeit off screen) machete this sweet young girl in a flower garden to death. I mean daaamn! That's the only thing that leans it more towards 70s action for me, everything else I totally buy it's 1909. Plus it sure don't hurt we get some Texas namedrops here and there, and considering I'm not that far from the Rio Bravo myself it's an interesting window to another time another place. It's not one of the best westerns I've seen but it sure as hell has some sentimental value and nostalgia for me to where I still like it just as much as I did when I was a youngin'. So I give it 3 stars, 7.5/10, and a big Happy Birthday to my Papa who was singlehandedly the force that got me to turn my head from science fiction and to give these western things a try to begin with!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Crow (1994)

I don't think it can be topped or bested.

I friggin' loved the shit out of The Crow, like it's been a sec since I have geeked out over a film and really walking in I wasn't expecting it to be up my alley. Based on a comic book series the story follows Eric Draven who after being brutally murdered alongside his fiancee returns to the land of the living to reap retribution on all who had a hand in their cruel deaths. Simple plot, told rather perfectly, and I mean they don't waste a damn second of your time by the 8 minute mark he's back from the grave and the other 90 odd minutes are pure revenge flick. Can I quantify exactly why I loved it so much? Well it spans a great many aspects, chiefly the look and mood and atmosphere the film creates. It is a bleak, filthy, and at times gothic cityscape that adds such a flavor to the film, it almost is like if you combined the aesthetics of Tim Burton's Gotham City with Christopher Nolan's Gotham specifically the Narrows. From abandoned apartments, city streets almost drowning in rain, and nifty miniatures to show the scattered rooftops it's a very visual film. Second, really love the cast! Brandon Lee is flawlessly cast in my opinion, being an intimidating presence but also made me laugh a good fair bit, and with an edge of romanticism that no doubt made many a spooky girl's dead heart flutter. He's a great presence and has charm even as a revenant wraith, and it's kinda hard not to support his character. Ernie Hudson was a surprising face to see here as a field duty cop who investigates all the killings and to follow our DC analogy very much becomes the Jim Gordon equivalent, I love that man to bits so it was great to see him! Michael Wincott as the big bad is such an interesting performamce because he's such a black sheep in this crime landscape where every other gangbanging looking mothertrucker does look like a criminal, and it took me a sec to pin it down but he looks like Brad Pitt from An Interview With A Vampire. I mean...the hair, the choice of clothes, I feel fairly accurate here! Though you don't see him much, he is that villain you hiss and curse at whenever he's on screen. Even minor roles like this young girl Sarah played by Rochelle Davis and right hand man henchman played by my number one guy Tony Todd, are memorable and great! The soundtrack is pretty killer too, like I will listen to this entire soundtrack and may even buy it too. I mean I know people joke, primarily in the goth community that every goth has this film on VHS, loves The Cure track Burn, really points to it as a cornerstone of their media and I'm just over here that a bad thing though? Cause I'm not really that far off myself! I genuinely thought this movie rocked and I need little excuse to purchase another VHS tape, so consider me a fan this very moment. Now is it for everyone? Not a long shot. But man, all the elements just mixed for me and I really fullheartedly love the film! And we almost didn't get it, through many setbacks and accidents during production and depressingly of all the loss of Brandon. It's not easy to talk about and I frankly have no authority or right to discuss it, but I will say I'm sad to live in a world where I can't watch recent movies of his. And on that terrible bombshell it is time to end, thank you so much for tuning in. 4 stars, 9/10, and I'm more than likely gonna pick up the comics after this.

Monday, May 27, 2024

To New Horizons!

Update time! Well after several years of living under a semi-decent roof His Dudeness is uprooting and moving to a bigger better apartment, that no doubt will help out in many areas. And though I despise moving I know it's for the best, buuuut that means for about 3 weeks I'll be packing a myriad of books, films, appliances, and clothes so the reviews will be on the down low for a hot second. I'll try to get some writing done to have at least one review per week and since there's no major new releases on my schedule until halfway through June that is a blessing in disguise! If all goes well I'll be settled and ready to roll out with a more consistent schedule from then on. But for this week to atone for my missing World Goth Day on account of Mad Max and to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a particular film please join me for my first viewing of The Crow on Wednesday. Stay safe, stay cool, stay awesome.

Friday, May 24, 2024


As if to rub salt in the wound, I liked it better than Fury Road.

That could either be a huge credit to this movie or just another rambling review from an old fool. But honestly it was a pretty solid movie all around, it's crazy to think a prequel took about 9 years to materialize in this day and age, but I will never complain about a series taking a hot ass minute to continue. Gives plenty of time at the drawing board to figure out the plot, the production, raise the funds, and fine tune the project just the way the filmmakers like it. Obviously George is back in the director's chair and this movie follows the same aesthetic and visual language as Fury Road, as we follow for quite awhile young Furiosa's turn of fortune from dwelling in the green place to the wasteland which I really appreciate! It's not just, they took Furiosa 5 minutes into the film and then time jump to her grown up they actually take the time to fill her backstory with as much as they could. Utilizing the 2½ runtime completely with nary a drop of filler and ties a nice bow on it when this movie ends Fury Road begins. Anya Taylor-Joy is a good lead and while I haven't seen her in much action-y fare she does admirably here and earns her wings. First also for seeing Chris Hemsworth be a villain, and kind of a right bastard as well I felt he did really well in this role and had that balance between a threat while also having bits of humor. Also props to Alyla Browne as young Furiosa, she got that drama and rage down very nicely. Strange it is to say but I felt the wide breadth and scope of the wasteland was more confined to the fortress hubs this film around, not that I minded because I wanted to know more about them other than Imortan Joe's territory yet it still looks quite good I must say! The action is more varied since it's not a constant moving convoy and though it's an R rated film the blood and viscera is more often than not subdued which is very much the same as the last movie. I liked seeing the story of Furiosa and it was indeed a tale worth telling, what lies for the future of Mad Max I cannot say but I'll be sure to brush up on the rest with any luck before the next new release. 3 stars, 8/10, worth a trip to the theater to feel that intense rumble from all the guzzoline machines.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Mad Max Fury Road

Okay here we go.

I don't think I have heard this much good word of mouth and undiluted praise for an action movie quite possibly in my entire life. I've never heard even a mediocre thing let alone a bad thing about Fury Road. So how do I break this gently that I thought it was just okay? Granted I haven't seen the previous Mad Max movies so I'm most likely missing some shit, but I know plenty of people have sat down to watch this movie alone and come out fairly pleased. I know bits about it, the story is set in a nuked out post apocalyptic Australia, so I guess 95% of what Australia is actually like (just jokes Aussie's) following previous cop now road warrior Max as he tries to stay alive amidst gangs, scavengers, and fuel grifters. He very quickly gets swept up in the storyline of Furiosa, a hardened woman transporting several young girls to a lush green patch of the world for their safety. Dirt simple plot, very easy to understand and empathize with. No doubt made so for the unhinged action to take front and center stage, this is unashamedly a leave your brain at the door, popcorn, summer extravaganza, action flick through and through. It is astoundingly impressive how much they just did in camera with stunt crew probably as insane as some of the characters, using as little CG as they could get away with to which I strongly commend and applaud. It's metal as hell, off the wall, subtle as a nitroglycerine brick to the head. I assume the previous movies had aspects of this, obviously not that extreme but certainly there and the worldbuilding while brief isn't necessary to enjoy the movie. Though I do want to know way more about it! This isn't a severe mark against the movie when I say this, the cast does just fine but there isn't a great deal for them to sink their teeth into character wise. I truthfully feel they could cast complete unknowns in this part and little would change, but hey they got some big names who obviously were game to do it and it got butts in seats because of it so I will never fault the filmmakers for doing that. This is simultaneously an easy film to talk about and yet a difficult film to talk about for me, it is without question or doubt the phrase "What you see is what you get" and if you've seen clips or trailers and it looks like your kind of bag then rock on my friend, you'll have a blast. And indeed you can see a lot of craftsmanship, dedication, and ultimately passion put into this project. You know they wanted to make the bestest damn movie they possibly could here. I don't hate it by any semblance of a stretch, I can respect the production side, enjoy the movie side, and am quite looking forward to Furiosa, but I don't immensely love it. I like it. The cinematography is proper damn good, the action makes this 2 hour film pass in the blink of an eye, and it's a good bottled movie where you don't need to know anything before or after and just enjoy the cataclysmic ride this movie takes you on. I give it 3 stars, 7.5/10! New release on Friday and more to talk about soon.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


I suppose this is what I get for involving myself in politics.

Shōgun is a trip to say the least. An expansive, involved, big budget, notes worthy, 10 hour epic detailing the events leading up to the origins of the Tokugawa Shogunate. It is an almost impossible task to sum everything up in one concise and non-rambling synopsis, so cliffnotes version: British ship pilot John Blackmore stumbles upon the isle of Japan and gets very quickly swept up in the political back and forth between the five ruling regents of the nation, as time passes and he cheats death on multiple occasions he takes on more of the culture and becomes a right hand to the disavowed rebel regent Toranaga. It gets complex quick and this is coming from someone who has familiarity with how the government system of Japan worked once upon a long time ago, the customs and traditions of the people, and a rough outline of how each period began, so it's a caveat but if you want to watch this show I severely recommend note taking to keep the family ties straight and to not spread out your watch schedule, rather try to marathon it so you don't forget any details. It took 3 days for me to get through it and what I found simply put, was a show that does not fuck around. It's more fiction than history granted but a true commitment was made to make this as historically accurate, intriguing, beautiful, and coldly violent. To truly make the best series they could. There is zero half assing found in the 10 episodes. And as I am writing this review tale of a second season is coming to which, I have two opinions clashing like mountain goats, on one hand the show ends with a pretty wide opening for more of this story to be told and YET the showrunners claimed it would be a one and done series with no intention for continuation. I'm personally kinda leaning towards never trusting a damn word any studio system creator has to say on any matter. So to keep this from running almost into a 500 word essay let's lightning round some aspects. I completely applaud the, for lack of a better term balls deep, commitment this series has keeping the dialogue heavy on the japanese side with subtitles galore. They do indeed have a dubbed option, I watched it on Hulu, but I love getting to see japanese actors get to speak just japanese, and in a big budget american production? Whaaaaat?? Did I just pull a Sliders and jump dimensions yet again? That's fine, I'll roll with it. Casting is pretty damn good from lead to ancillary characters, Hiroyuki Sanada along with Cosmo Jarvis and Anna Sawai are terrific leads and undoubtedly are the driving force of the whole dang story, you get invested with them quick. Top notch all around! Sweet lord, the costuming, the sets, the environments, as I said no half assing it's very detailed and has enough atmosphere to go around at times, I never thought I would see so. Many. Sets in a television show and very broad ones at that! There just isn't a damn thing on the telly like this right now. The story while a bit complex in terms of character and motivation, knows when to bump the pace up and also let you stew in this albeit foreign but nevertheless understandable political machine, I never go for political dramas or really anything politics heavy outside of The Thick Of It, I just can't stand the backstabbing and drama and overcomplex plans but here I could work with it. You don't really get the battle scope you imagine the story keeps pushing toward, if anything when the violence strikes it sucker punches you in the nose out of nowhere and it keeps you on your toes. Maybe it's more a syndrome of what Game Of Thrones has cast on television series but death strikes unexpectedly and it's appropriately grim. May be a turn off for a lot of folks who want to see samurai battle in large numbers and duel one on one, but it just isn't that kind of show and there are examples for you out there who love that particular kind of stuff. It's almost tailor made for a very specific crowd but that niche crowd has been lauding it with praise since it premiered and you never know if you'll like it if you don't try it. It's a sit, it's not a show you can have on in the background and keep up (unless you are fluent in the language and got a good memory), the ending may not do it for you but hey second season for those who want more, but there can easily be aspects you will enjoy. I can appreciate both sides of samurai media, your Ran's or Throne Of Blood's as opposed to stuff like Samurai Champloo or The Sword Of Doom. So I very much liked it and can recommend it for those select few. 3.5 stars, 8.5/10! Phew, that was a busy week. Next week will be easier as we traverse the arid wasteland and will be my first peek into the world of Mad Max.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Afro Samurai Ressurection

Hmm. Not what I thought it was gonna be.

For those who have seen the ending of Afro Samurai you'll know it actually left the door open for some continuation, so as we pick up on this feature film made 2 years after the mini-series I kinda figured it would follow in those steps. Not really. It ain't a bad thing but this movie does kinda fiddle fuck with the history of events and "canon" of the series, not in an insultingly stupid way it just adds more stuff that wasn't seen before and has a purpose for the movie. So the events follow Afro who after claiming the Number 1 headband is being hunted down by familiar faces from his past who desecrate his father's grave on top of that, and more so than the show in my opinion this really hammers the point home of revenge. It damn near walks hand in hand with Kill Bill, I just kept flashing back to that, if you seek revenge on others someone is eventually going to seek revenge on you. Hurt people hurt people. It is nothing but a vicious cycle with no end, and you already know how I feel about that. Revenge...the most worthless of causes. And that story is told super well here, spanning only 100 minutes the movie starts off very slap dash and a little confusing as to what the plot is shaping up to be, but it quickly focuses and gets going passing by in the blink of an eye and you get some visuals out of it. Obviously the animation style persists, but with a movie budget so you get a lot broader more involved fights with some damn good background scenery. It maybe took 3 shots until I saw something where I was like, "God. Damn!! That looks good!". You ever wonder why I champion animation so hard here? Because you get some atmospheric/environmental shots the likes of which even God has never seen! And I gotta admit seeing a lot more locales and pieces of this world were greatly interesting to me, making me wish it went on longer than it did because it's just cool! Is it necessary viewing? Not in my estimation but if you digged the hell out of the show you'll like the movie just fine. The plot moves at a good pace and has some solid moments, the animation still looks interesting, the music once again done by The RZA I truly need to listen to in full for both these installments, and I gotta admit the voice cast was in some cases better than the show. It's unequivocally different and doing it's own thing and for all I know we could get another addition to this series in the not too distant future, which I'm not completely against. So I give it 3 stars, 7/10, and it is time for a recent show to be discussed. Rare occurence on this site but I'm looking forward to it so see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Afro Samurai

Ah shit, here we go again. 

I've heard of the reputation of this show for quite awhile honestly waaaay back in my early teens, not fully knowing the plot just knowing a lot of people held it up as a kickass show and was a unique standout in the early millenium anime scene. The plot is simple enough told over the course of five roughly 30 minute episodes, of a young boy who after seeing his father's grisly demise commits to a life of revenge against a gunslinger assassin as he takes up his father's sword and becomes the Afro Samurai. There's bits and pieces beyond it including a healthy peppering of flashbacks, and a surprising but underplayed twist of the setting. Cause when we kick off it's very feudal Japan, in terms of weaponry, architecture, and geography but then by either the first or second episode you see someone spying on Afro with I shit you not electrobinoculars straight out of Star Wars, right out of the battle of Hoth and it only gets crazier from there. Now I know the setting isn't pivotal, this isn't a Trigun situation where the more you watch the more you come to realize why the world is the way it is, this show rather centers itself around the Rule Of Cool. You wanna see Afro battle against robot shinobi? You got it. Want to see a villain use basically a handheld ballista with grenade launcher attachment? No problem. But it never forgets it's roots in samurai cinema, and while the animation is....I'm trying to find the right word for it still. It's heavily stylized, jagged yet flowing lines, the color palette is not quite black & white but leans towards greyscale, the blood is a character in and of itself with how over the top it is reaching geiser levels, and at first I thought this was a western made almost tribute to anime but it does indeed hail from the land of the rising sun itself originally created by Takashi Okazaki. It's unlike anything I've seen before but has sheer moments of pure beauty in it. I did watch the dubbed version and it was so not what I was expecting because I did know Samuel L. Jackson was the main part but Afro is seriously the strong silent type and only really starts talking closer to the end and I barely recognized his voice it was so different, but what I didn't know was Sam voiced two roles. He also voices Afro's travelling companion Ninja Ninja (yes I'm serious) who is way more what you would expect from Sam's acting. Chatterbox, throwing lingo and slang to and fro, really is only two steps away from saying the N-word, he's a funny dude and is that levity we need in a very serious story. Ron Perlman is our main villain here, once again the vocal performance is not what you expect it's not as deep voiced, it's way more for lack of a better term reptilian. Fantastic character design by the way, you barely see him in the show but you can feel the threat and the creep factor get pushed near maximum. It's a conglomeration of top voice acting talent presented here, just go look at the cast list it's crazy how many big names in the voice actor community they got. And to think this show hit the States in 2007, my God you want to talk about another time another place? The world was different, anime was different, I was but a 12 year old nerd. Can we just get back to that for a while? Can we rewind the tape please? Fuck. Before I start just getting really depressed, let's wrap this up. It is a real damn good series, feature length just 2½ hours it's worth your time if you dig this kinda shit, I'm so happy I got to see it after 17 years (Oh dear God, make it stop, make it end.), so final scores! I give it 4 stars, 8/10, and the story ain't over yet so tune in tomorrow for the actual feature continuation.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes

Phew, thank you God!

Good news! Kingdom is a very good follow up to War and is a strong movie on it's own. It actually crosses into the rare territory of a sequel where you don't need to have seen previous installments to get. Set many generation from the ending of War we see apes of a certain clan in particular Noa take up a quest to rescue his family from an invading much more hostile section of apes, along his travels he frequently has run ins with a human named Mae and a wise sage orangutan by the name of Raka who broadens Noa's mind of the before times, before facing off against the king of the coast Paximus Caesar. First and most crucial thing I gotta bring up is the worldbuilding set up here is so interesting and you may find yourself with more questions by the time end credits roll, but I do not see that as a negative. Because the movie is set most likely hundreds of years in the future that gives the filmmakers such a wide sandbox to play with, and the details you are given whether newcomer or experienced viewer is interesting stuff. The fact alone that it's been so long the events of Caesar's life is legend puts it all into perspective. Apes while still vocal in speech still use sign language and are not super fluent in english. Humans who can speak are practically a myth with most more resembling cavemen from the Paleolithic period. The biggest and most fascinating fact to me anyway was just a tidbit of information, that Paximus has been brought up on roman history and so many pieces click together from hearing that! That's worthy of a movie all on it's own, an intelligent ape who is well read in ancient roman history, that has no right to be as cool as it is! And the performances carry so much whether it's Owen Teague as Noa still young and learning but has an iron will, Kevin Durand as Paximus who doesn't fully slip into the tyrant role but clearly he's no good, Freya Allan as Mae has a lot more going on with her than just a slightly more intelligent human, and Peter Macon selling me once again on why the orangutans are my favorite of the subspecies carrying a lot of history and wisdom with good bits of humor as well. Obviously the visuals have not degraded since War, you get a lot more emphasis on environments both natural and dilapidated human structures and it all looks mighty good. I feel the emotional connection while it can't match the intensity of the last two films can easily be built upon for our new cast, I do want to see where this could go and I was wondering how was this movie going to end. I figured they would try for a continuation but also could have seen the movie end relatively contained. It's pretty good, I'd rank it between Rise and Dawn which is already damn good company to be within, and you can either catch it this weekend or pick it up on video in the future depending on how sold you are on this now continuing saga. I give it 3.5 stars, 7.5/10, and the work is coming along for next week with one show down and one to go.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tales Of The Empire

Not what I expected!

I like not being right all the time and upon seeing the trailer for Tales Of The Empire it seemed simple enough, chronicling events of imperial engineer and former nightsister Morgan Elsbeth along with inquisitor in the making Barriss Offee. Now with Morgan it basically was what I was thinking, seeing her get from the massacre on Dathomir to being the magistrate on Corvus while tying in some elements from the Ahsoka series, but it was really nice to get some more backstory on her and any additional Diana in my Star Wars is highly welcome! From the small pool of other Star Wars fans I know, apparently I was the select few who just called Barriss turning into an inquisitor which I felt was obvious due to galactic history and her story thus far but I certainly didn't call anything after that event. There is more to her story than just hunt jedi and it kept me guessing where it was going to leave off. For a series clocking in less than 90 minutes it sure as hell made me want more but I was also satisfied with it, I liked gleaning more details from this galaxy and they were solid stories. Animators show offs as they are, give us another spectacular range of scenery and detail, first friggin' shot of the first friggin' episode made me huff in joyful disbelief it looked dat gud! Seeing familiar and new locales as well as characters in the Clone Wars style was great and I have no doubt this animation style will be with us for years yet. Performances while undoubtedly brief due to the structure of the show were regardless quite good, to get Meredith back for this and seeing her encapsulate the character of Barriss so well was lovely, of course some love must also be shared with Jason Isaacs and Lars Mikkelsen I mean those are my guys through and through and I adore them endlessly. I know these Tales series are just bite sized stories to tide us over for the next big project in the pipeline but the versatile range and freedom within can mean anything is next both for the next series focus and also individual stories for each season, I am once again asking Lucasfilm for a Tales Of The Sith series and I know I'm being greedy with The Acolyte mere weeks away but a boy can dream! Speaking of which, that's the next big series and the one I've been looking forward to most since the announcement. Hopefully I can catch up on the High Republic books more beforehand. As for this series big time 4 stars, 8/10!

Next week will be the slowest week so far of the year but I got some work to do so I can give you not one but two television series' reviews so hang tight and may the Force serve you well.

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Fall Guy

Thumbs up indeed.

Full upfront disclosure I was not even aware that this is based on a television show until a few days before seeing it, and I'm an old bastard I tune into MeTV regularly and for the most part is educated in television programmes of days gone by. So I can't speak on terms of adaptation or what have you, so let's just discuss the film. Set in a quite meta world from a filmmaking perspective we follow lovesick stunt guy Colt who after a terrible accident on set, has given up the profession but takes on one more job for the director Jody who he had previous ties to. Amidst all the car crashes, falls, and being set ablaze Colt gets wrapped up in trying to find the missing star when stuff starts getting very very real. It is by no means perfect, it's a tiny bit obvious who the baddie is, some meta elements didn't do it for me, and the metaphors are beat into your head...with a sledgehammer. But it has so much good stuff going for it, simultaneously crafting a love letter to stunt teams regardless of geography or time and making just a fun movie. Ryan and Emily are convincing and have solid chemistry together, they're such little shits but it's endearing and you get invested. The action clearly wears it's production on it's sleeve, very little is CGI and while not a technical marvel in choreography I'll be damned if I wasn't still impressed with those hits and falls. The comedy doesn't go non-stop but when a joke hits it hits like a brass knuckle, I was having a good time in that theater! The soundtrack I was a bit of a sucker for no lie. It certainly has no issue prodding the studio system on how movies are made and can be a eye opener for those not versed in how actual film productions go about their day. There was a clear vision to make this a popcorn movie with a good rind twist of substance, to which I feel they did very well. I can recommend it for a weekend watch at the cinemas or getting on video. I give it 3 stars, 7.5/10! And if all goes well tomorrow, new Star Wars show means new Star Wars review.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Bad Batch (Season 3)

Okay, I can roll with this.

Final season but likely not the end of the batch, how is it? Way way more story focused for all the people who harrumphed about the second season, centered squarely on two things: finding Mount Tantiss and rescuing Omega. Told over the course of 15 episodes I feel it did tell it's story super well, I still absolutely hold that standard that I did with Clone Wars in it's final season that you got one chance so you better make it as good as you can. Bad Batch season 3 does this far better. Obviously there is a lot I can't say but let's discuss some details. Animation style and quality is gorgeous, I'm not sure if it's gotten better since last time but ooh those backgrounds have never looked more picturesque and the detail on the character models and environments they interact with is clean! Like maaaaan these Star Wars kids got it so good today, I seriously can't even imagine how good life would be if the slate of new Star Wars stuff today came out when I was like 7 or 8. It would be like walking through the pearly gates of heaven itself, it almost brings a tear to my eye thinking about it. Characters are just as we like them, with Hunter and Wrecker giving Din Djarin a run for his money in the best dad in the galaxy category, they truly want to finally put the soldier mantle behind them and just be there for Omega. Hell you could easily argue more than ever this is Omega's season, she is the center in which the galaxy turns for this show and seeing them dig more into why the Empire hunts her and how she's kinda becoming the soldier her brothers have made is a good arc. Crosshair turns babyface and while not much is truly said you can read so much into his past decisions and how he's progressing now, it's proper good stuff truthfully. We get guest cast galore in these episodes, I almost want to say every major player we have seen in episodes past are here once again save for Cid but we make up for that with a new addition to The Bad Batch show of a force sensitive variety. It's pretty great if you ask me. The stakes do feel pretty definitive and high, each episode builds so well upon the last all the way to the finale. Now I do find it a shame we don't really get to peek into every nook and cranny of Mount Tantiss but it further sets the stage for Project Necromancer, as say it with me everybody, "All roads lead to Exegol". This is the way. I very much liked this season, it has plenty for Star Wars fans novice and experienced to enjoy, it caps off the series in a super nice way, and now that I've finally seen it all for myself I can't wait to hear what others have to say. But I don't think it's the last we'll see of Clone Force 99, and there are pockets of info that need to be filled from the flowing mind of Dave and Lucasfilm. This song is ending but the story never ends. 3.5 stars, 8/10, we'll take a quick break but get right back on that hyperspace lane so I'll see you soon.

Monday, April 29, 2024

In Retrospect: The Bad Batch (Season 2)

The end is almost upon us.

Absolutely wild to think The Bad Batch is wrapping up, granted I didn't think the show was going to go on for seasons upon seasons but it sure as hell hits different when it actually occurs. But has the opinion changed much since the initial review of this season? Not terribly I'll admit but a rewatch always helps consolidate your opinion and I enjoyed it just as much. I do say the second season is better but...more as a whole rather than a singular season, if you follow me. It is good but it's elevated because it builds upon the foundation of the first season, you get a continuation, you get to see events progress and characters have more time and material. Honestly I consider the first and second seasons to pretty much be equal in quality, not one having higher footing (Or should that be ground?) than the other. Still entirely steadfast in my opinions of best episodes, and while I am very excited for Tales Of The Empire I did want it more to be like The Solitary Clone episode, a more anthology take on different sections of the Empire but fuck it, I'm ready for those new stories all the way! And now with the grace of the passage of time we can talk spoilers at last. I'm not usually one to throw out predictions or theories for upcoming projects but seeing how Crosshair's story has evolved thus far I'm either thinking death by helping the squad or getting zombified into a Death Trooper shell, but regardless it is a very very good and compelling storyline for Star Wars. Admiral Rampart is a massive dick and his comeuppance along with hopefully his execution couldn't have come swifter, he is that microcosm of clone distrust and hate yet even though I am a supporter of clone troopers I also absolutely understand why they are getting phased out. One, to sever any last remaining ties of the clone war and the Republic. Two, you don't want to keep the guys around who killed their last generals I mean there are commands and orders to execute the Chancellor or now the Emperor. But it is pretty fucking sweet to see that initial Ralph McQuarrie concept art of stormtrooper armor be prevalent on screen, I'm just hoping we somehow see it go all the way and see stromtroopers wielding white lightsabers in some visual medium. I don't think it's any secret Hemlock is tinkering with cloning tech for our beloved Emperor Palpatine, I fully expect to see that come season 3 and have one more glorious excuse to extend my middle finger to all those sequel haters. There are better people out there fighting the good fight for that trilogy, and I'm just not taking the high road like them. The light was never my path. Speaking of tech, boy should have fully seen that coming! I knew something was up because Tech got a big upgrade in screen presence, one on one time, motivation and perspective, dude almost got a girlfriend for crying out loud, he got a tremendous push! Even with his last talk with Phee it felt more like a goodbye than anything, so seeing him take that dive for the team while not out of left field still had a punch to it. But until I see a body, I'm not saying he's gone. You cheeky buggers pulled that Darth Maul card once on me, a broken pair of goggles ain't cutting it. And by the way, I also ain't believing that horseshit about Omega having a sister, yeah she kinda has the New Zealand accent but what friggin' ever man, I'm betting she said it just to have a manipulation hold on poor Omega. Not buying it. Will season 3 remedy such reservations on my part and also subsequently be seen as an improvement by the fandom in terms of overarching story? I'll admit I would laugh my ass off if the majority of the last season was just Hunter and Wrecker fucking about on unrelated deadend jobs and only sometimes trying to find Mount Tantiss. I'm just giving you good grief Lucasfilm, I know you'll perform admirably. So tune in Wednesday for the whole last season review!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Lost Highway

You never fail me David.

Okay! Lost Highway. The fuck? Don't get me wrong, I liked it fine and well but this is a brainteaser of a movie. Two things you always can say about every David Lynch movie, it's never boring and it gets the gears in your mind turning. It's gonna be difficult to even synopsize the plot here because it really keeps changing tracks almost to the point where you could say the movie is just all over the place and has no sense of direction or cohesion but then links start cropping up and the farther you get the more the branching paths cross. It starts off akin to a home invasion thriller as this couple finds a tape on their doorstep of someone entering their home and filming them while they sleep which is a pants darkening thought as is, then we swap over to a young mechanic who is dabbling in a less than monogamous relationship which we primarily follow but then weird shit just keeps happening and connections that rightly would seem completely out of nowhere creep in, and by the end of the movie you're turning this Rubik's Cube any which way to try to figure it out. What conclusions you come to is half the fun. I feel certain people will hate this movie if they are individuals who don't like not knowing stuff, me on the other hand love when I come face to face with stuff I don't know or don't get because it can be a learning experience and I like to try to solve stuff. So this easily can be a splitting movie, but being as one trained in the Force I know only true coincidences are rare, and that David has a vision and always makes the movie he wants to make even if he's the only one to understand the movie. But in terms of production details it's real good even great at moments! The first 40 minutes centered on that home invasion thriller part was super effective and got me jumpy, sound design and soundtrack is fantastic throughout! We got some straight up unbelievable shots at times, I mean like too good looking to be anything short of a painting. Big time love to Patricia Arquette who while not the protagonist is the center of which the plot revolves around, this is my first time seeing her on David's filmography and I'm impressed. Bill Pullman is the real contention of questions I had in regard of the story, but it was nice seeing him post-presidency fighting aliens. Balthazar Getty as our secondary lead walks hand in hand with Bill as to the mystery of what is exactly going on, and I liked his more quiet mannered näive persona before he goes off the rails. Last but not least Robert Blake credited only as Mystery Man is likely the most memorable part of the film, and he's very much a wild card thrown in the deck with nothing short of unnatural abilities and with such a small amount of screentime gets under your skin effortlessly, absolutely fantastic acting. Regardless of what you make out of the plot this is an interesting movie and gave me 2 hours of entertainment to get me through the day. 3 stars, 7.5/10, and well that about does her. Wraps it all up. But we got some major time goodies coming up with both Star Wars series and a new release, so stay tuned and stay weird.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fire Walk With Me

In the immortal words of David Lynch himself, "What the hell??".

Eraserhead I could get. I had even a small foothold when talking about that film, but Fire Walk With Me is absolutely what people think of the term "a David Lynch movie" is. Set as a prequel to the show Twin Peaks but made 2 years after the show at that point wrapped up, this more or less focuses on the final living days of Laura Palmer who from what I can discern the first season of the series delves into her murder investigation. And it almost seems that's what the beginning of the film is setting up, two FBI agents investigate a different case that has tentative links to Laura's future demise but unfortunately because of behind the scenes woes the film got reshuffled and is very different from the original script, so you're rolling with a brief investigation and then the movie shifts gears without a clutch right into the life and experiences of Laura Palmer. I didn't mind that a great deal because I knew this was essentially laying the groundwork for the series to build upon so the different actors for the same parts, the ultimate revelation of Laura's death, and the things that other fans would call inconsistencies I had no issue with because this is my first experience of the world of Twin Peaks. But yeah from the oh so very brief research I did into this apparently people were not too keen on this film when it came out but since has gotten a reappraisal. It's a fascinating experience watching this, because it really drops the pretense of a murder mystery and starts getting weeeeird and experimental, and is so not the movie you have just playing in the background while you file your taxes or cook breakfast. But I'll admit even when you're paying attention it still leaves you befuddled and wondering if someone slipped something in your beverage of choice. But I never ever claim weird and bizarre even to the point of confusion as "bad", even with shit like Killing Of A Sacred Deer that was mindwarping to the state of shellshock but not once did I categorize it as bad. I have seen some inept ignorant incompetent motherfuckers in my life who equate weird and different with bad and I got news for you champ, that's short for champion, this is a batshit movie where I'm swirling in a hurricane of unexplained moments and yet I still have interest and enjoyment with it. There is not one uncommitted individual in front of or behind the camera, everybody did such fantastic work. You couldn't say in a thousand generations this movie's star is not Sheryl Lee, I'm telling you right now man without witness or reward, without a shred of exaggeration or lie, this lady gives one of the most interesting, engrossing, and fantastic performances I have ever seen. I don't think there is an emotion she didn't potray as Laura, I mean a truly special actress. I don't know if I can fully sum up her character and probably never will but I can recommend this movie full force because of her acting alone. I have to say despite the super brief appearances in the long run of FBI investigators Chet, Sam, and Dale I really was digging their scenes and while I'm far from a super fan of crime shows/police procedural kind of stuff I easily got into the groove of their characters so well done on that. Ray Wise as Mr. Palmer did mighty good work even if the character just creeped me the hell out. Is that a stereotype these days of a suburban, straight laced, middle class dad who just seems that he stuffs bodies in a crawl space before having breakfast with the family? Just me? It might be. And like I said all the other aspects of production are great! The sets and the overall design are really damn nice, the cinematography is striking, the sound design has an edge to it, and because the film is so off the wall and experimental that means they really get to play. They get to play with what the camera can do, what kind of shot or effect do we want, what do we want the sound and ambiance to be, it's such a freeing experience when you can do that which is why certain shots and images are gonna stick with you and the strangeness of it all is what makes it stick all the more. I still got emotionally invested, I was shocked at times, puzzling over details, and even fighting back tears at a certain point. It's certainly never boring! I know it ain't for everybody so I can't recommend it to everybody, but if you feel brave enough one day to step into one of the strangest worlds you've ever known I say go for it. Not really too sure what to rate it, but I'd be talking out my ass Ace Ventura style if I said it didn't make me want to watch the show. I don't know when I'm ever gonna talk about Twin Peaks again, later rather than sooner, but I'm walking away from this in a positive mood. I give it 3 stars, 8/10! And we got one more before the day of the birth arrives for me.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Art Life

I reckon it's about that time.

Mainly sprung on by the fact I grabbed David's autobiography, I wanted to talk some more about his films. He didn't direct this one, it was a true passion project and started as a Kickstarter film that took some time to get done from three directors briefly chronicling David's life. Now when I say brief I mean brief like the underwear on my hips now, it ends around Eraserhead so you could argue it's not a complete documentary but even I can't say I hated it. Shot in the Hollywood Hills at David's home/workshop the film is a wellspring of pictures, home movies, and a gallery of his art while he recounts bits and pieces of his life. It's interesting stuff to look at, to hear, to experience especially if you don't know much about the man himself. Hell you don't hear a peep out of anyone else besides David except his sweet little daughter from time to time, and to hear right from the horse's mouth on his childhood, what got him into art and how that transferred to filmmaking, to these vignettes he tells is just what I expected. I'll admit there were certain things that struck me but not in an overly bad way just things I took notes on, primarily this is pretty much the example I point to henceforth if you want to see the most arty, avant garde, bordering on pretentious and maybe slips it's baby toe across that line cinematography and shot placement, simply look no further. I can't decide if it was intentional or not but it is sure to make an art house critic rumble with delight or perhaps seething disgust from their diaphragm. The other thing which I take more slight issue with, is they showcase a lot of David's drawings and paintings and if you've ever seen them you know it's very stark and very blunt. It's almost a smokescreen effect because I've seen enough behind the scenes stuff of Mr. Lynch and not only is he candid but he's got a lot of appreciation for life in all it's unique and quaint beauties, not to mention he's got a lot of love and an open mind to boot. So you'll forgive me if I take the usage of straight up serial killer music, this distrubing shrill soundscape to convey the point that a person is not mentally or emotionally well, in bad taste. It's genuinely the only thing I did objectively hate in this documentary, and if you've been here long enough you know I just don't like being negative about things. But you feel the way you feel, and you gotta make peace with that. But if that's as bad as it gets I think this biographical picture can skate by on a pretty good score. 3.5 stars, 8/10! Very much an appetizer before we delve in proper tomorrow with hopefully my first step into the world of Twin Peaks.