Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Flight Of The Navigator

Kinda breaking tradition for our usual lineup with a new Star Wars show but it's worth it.

Been a hot ass minute since we did a Disney live action movie, and a good one at that with the 1986 cult film Flight Of The Navigator. The first thing I gotta say is I was aware of the story albeit briefly so I kinda knew what I was getting into, but say you either walked into the cinemas or caught this on TV with zero idea what it's about. It's a pretty serious in tone movie about a boy in 1978 who awakens in the year 1986 with no memory of what happened and yet looks exactly the same he did when he went missing, and pretty soon a discovery is made of an object not of human design. That's kind of a scary concept and at certain points it was undeniably eerie to the point where I was getting goosebumps. It's a bit of a slow burn movie but because of that we get time with our main character David seeing just how confused and perplexed he is as we the audience are as the puzzle comes together, and it's fascinatingly not a movie with any kind of antagonistic force in play so you really can just sink into this situation. The effects are pretty good for the time with a truly unique alien design at play that as the more you see it the more interesting it gets. Eventually it sheds it's mystery robe and becomes a true fantasy fulfilling film and yeah it goes on for a bit but it's cool and I dig it so no major marks against it! Though I gotta say this might be the only movie I know of that was made in the 80s and references the 80s, from New Coke to music videos, from Twisted Sister to The Price Is Right, that really never happens in cinema from that time period. More often the case is the movie itself is the time capsule. But I gotta admit it had my interest, it was fun, I like seeing faces of actors like Paul Reubens, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Veronica Cartwright which were surprises to me! It's far from even on the live action side of Disney's catalogue, a great movie but I think you can get into it. If nothing else the film is proof you can be a Disney movie and still say and I am quoting here: shit, goddamn, and retard. It was a wildly different time my friends! 2.5 stars, 7/10, more 80s goodness coming your way tomorrow.

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