Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Doctor Who: Series 14

It's series 14, don't even try me.

RUSSELL! I shout like a parent admonishing their child, a phrase frequent this series of Doctor Who as we finally get our first full series with Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson. Now obviously from the Christmas special I was all on board, full steam ahead, let's frickin' do this, and I'm happy to announce it was a really good series! Not perfect, had some oddball stories at times, but came through in the end. I won't delve too much into the production so we can focus on story but needless to say the quality is high, inventive, and not just an overexpanded CG budget. It is unequivocally still Doctor Who even if it's pretty flashy. So huh, boy do we start the series proper in an interesting way with maybe the most ludicrous title in the show's history, Space Babies! There is without question or doubt in my mind the production team just wrapped up filming, and they're all sitting round table style figuring out what the best order to release the episodes in, obviously some have to come in a specific order but they're talking debut episode options and then most likely Russell slams his hand down on the table with a eureka(!) moment. We're airing Space Babies first. Because! This is the litmus test of the series, if you can roll with it and enjoy it then you are really going to like series 14, if not you can at least bail out now! And I will be so bold to say the story of the Doctor and Ruby babysitting talking infants a lá Baby Geniuses on a space station isn't even the one skippable episode for me, as is almost tradition with modern Doctor Who. It's fine, fun and fancy free, the interactions with Ruby and the Doctor are endearing and charming as all get out and will remain a stamp throughout the series. Like the mystery aspect, love the flat out dick moves by the Doctor here I mean geez louise he gets a bit dark here, and poor Millie had KY jelly just pour on her head and the girl deserves some props for that. The Devil's Chord is a romping good time with the Earth's music literally being consumed by a very Ursula style drag queen god known only as Maestro who is offspring from The Celestial Toymaker, as our fantastic Tardis team tries to restore musical balance starting with the fab four themselves The Beatles. Outrageous story, if you thought the goblin song was a one hit wonder clutch those pearls purists because we got more musical numbers here and beyond, great villain performance, more fourth wall breaks than you can shake a stick at, a gay old time to be had! Boom is a super interesting concept of what if the Doctor had to save the day but was stuck on a landmine the whole episode? Didn't fully deliver on the suspense and growing anxiety, nor did it really expand much it's a small scale story that could honestly be adapted to stage with ease, but (most) of the performances help it along. It's an average episode on a bit of shaky ground but it's passable. 73 Yards however has my vote for the one episode I will always skip, cause at first I'm rolling with it with this almost It Follows-esque plot of this strange figure that stalks Ruby with the Doctor nowhere to be found and it seems to start stepping into full blown horror territory, but then the episode shifts gears entirely and I'll admit I don't like the episode because of all the shit poor Ruby has to go through and for how long she goes through it, and the ending made even less sense in retrospect. Easily the blunder of the series. Dot And Bubble, was slightly vexing but intentionally so I mean I get it Russell you have commentary skills, not subtle ones but you got them, and again taking a Doctor lite episode with mainly Callie Cooke as our resident ditz/sociopath Lindy as the veil of terminally online social media is lifted only to find genuine real monsters in real life as the Doctor tries to lead everyone to safety. I rather despise social media more and more as I get older so this was slightly grating to watch these inane fools stumble about trying not to get eaten by slugs, it did have moments though that I liked but blimey near the end I was praying for a slow death to this colony. I know that's the intent, so bravo there team! Rogue...fucking. Goddamn. Masterpiece! The GOAT of the whole damn series in my opinion! Never have I laughed so hard and loved so much an episode of Doctor Who since well the recent Christmas special, a true period piece with a little alien lime twist as the Doctor and Ruby party it up like it's 1813 as shapeshifting aliens invade the grounds. Brilliant. Just the atmosphere of fun and humor made this an all time great for me, the character of Rogue and that shall we say intense relationship with the Doctor made my heart soar and maybe quiver a bit, and the bittersweet ending sealed the deal for me. And now the two part finale, really good buildup in the first part as we delve into figuring out the origin of Ruby Sunday as side story connecting tissue pushes the threat to the forefront and a true classic villain returns which admittedly made me want to watch the fantastic serial afterward, second part is still good but as any two parter in Doctor Who history loses some traction however there is a diabolically fiendish angle that the episode puts forth that really makes you look at the last 60 years of time and space differently. The resolution may not be foolproof but the ending and the fate of Ruby Sunday is again if I dare say, the best companion ending we've ever gotten both in classic and new eras. It's got that emotion down pat and of course, RUSSELL! Had to do a cliffhanger didn't you? Urrgh you're lucky I adore you! Speaking of adore, Ncuti my sweet handsome boy you never stopped bringing your all to this role and I haven't been so on board so quick with other Dr. Who's literally ever. The excitement, the plentiful amount of tears, even that rage and fury shine stunningly bright this series. I was rather upset to hear Millie was only on for the one series, cause the whole dynamic and chemistry between Ruby and the Doctor is nothing short of a treat! It took me awhile to find the right word to describe it but they have big sibling energy mixed with major time BFF energy, unparalledled love but not in a romantic sense it's more than that, the giddy joy of just travelling together, the comfort they give one another when the heartbreak hits, it's marvellous. She's marvellous and damn it she better not be gone forever! Can't get enough Bonnie Langford and Jemma Redgrave, those are my girls through and through and even if they're just present at the finale I don't care because I get to see them and that makes me happy. Shoutout to that dashing bastard Jonathan Groff for playing Rogue, yeah I'm all in favor for that man and he is another member for the hallowed halls of dream would be companion, and I do indeed hope as well that this is not the final goodbye for his character. Jinkx Monsoon holy moly, time of their life playing this bonkers villain Maestro and frankly I'm having a blast watching em' cause it's pretty far out there but nothing short of entertaining! Damn good variety of villains and though I need to rewatch the whole series again to see if the overarching villain from the finale story works and makes sense but I liked it fine this time. It's a very good solid continuation, has some small faults like every Doctor Who series, but enjoyable and fun overall. So thumbs up from me, 3.5 stars, 8/10!

And finally. Long have I waited for my most anticipated Star Wars series yet. Acolyte time baby!

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