Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Slight Delay...

Well....shit! Un-friggin'-believable. I was supposed to be speaking to you today from the new home of my incredibly basic and tiny The Dude Studio at the new apartment, but fuckery is afoot and there was a severe literal day of occurence and I quote, let me repeat that again and I QUOTE " The ceiling collapsed.". So I am stuck for all intents and purposes in limbo, with next door to zero cash, entombed in a prison of boxes, spinning my wheels. Getting nowhere. I am so burned out from this oh so special occasion that can suck on cox, and I am profusely sorry to say this but I won't be able to see Inside Out 2 and get the review done this week. I pray to my dark patron from beyond the stars, and appeal to every righteous and hellish force above, below, and in between that next week we are going to be back and the apartment debacle is settled. I'll throw out an In Retrospect for Inside Out because it's been coincidentally almost 8 years to the day that I wrote that review, but as one trained in the Force I know that true coincidences are rare, and finally get to see the new Pixar film. If not, screw it I'll throw some reviews up and try to make the best of this that I can. This isn't my first shitstorm and I'm playing the long game and I will win. So join me next week, catch up on some other reviews from the past I've written, find something good to watch and do all that grand stuff. I'm going to hex a few people and go to bed.

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